Can You Put Your Jade Plant Outside In The Summer?

Yes, you can place your jade plant outside in the summer for optimal growth and health. Jade plants, also known as Crassula ovata, thrive in bright sunlight and warm temperatures.

In fact, they need at least four hours of direct sunlight each day to maintain their vibrant green leaves and promote proper blooming. Placing your jade plant outdoors during the summer allows it to receive the optimal amount of natural light, helping it grow and flourish.

However, it’s important to note that jade plants are sensitive to temperature extremes, so ensure they are not exposed to very high temperatures or direct sunlight for extended periods. Additionally, make sure to gradually acclimate your jade plant to outdoor conditions to prevent shock. By adhering to these guidelines, you can enjoy a healthy and thriving jade plant all summer long.

Benefits Of Putting Your Jade Plant Outside In The Summer

During the summer months, it is beneficial to place your jade plant outside. This allows it to receive adequate sunlight, promoting healthy growth and vibrant foliage.

Promotes Healthy Growth

Putting your jade plant outside in the summer can have several benefits that promote healthy growth. The increased sunlight exposure and fresh air can greatly benefit the plant’s overall well-being. Sunlight is crucial for photosynthesis, a process that helps plants convert energy from the sun into food. By moving your jade plant outdoors, you are providing it with the opportunity to receive the ideal amount of sunlight it requires for optimal growth.

Additionally, the natural movement of outdoor air can help strengthen the stems and leaves of your jade plant. The gentle breeze can stimulate the plant’s growth and encourage it to develop a sturdy and robust structure. This can prevent the plant from becoming weak and spindly, which can be a common issue when it is kept indoors without proper air circulation.

Increases Sunlight Exposure

One of the significant advantages of placing your jade plant outside in the summer is the increased sunlight exposure it receives. Natural sunlight is the best source of light for plants, as it contains a full spectrum of light waves that are necessary for their growth and development.

Moving your jade plant outside allows it to bask in the sun’s rays, ensuring it gets the right amount of light it needs. Indoor lighting can sometimes be insufficient, especially during the summer when the days are longer and the sun is brighter. By exposing your jade plant to natural sunlight, you can ensure it receives adequate light levels, which can help it thrive.

Factors To Consider Before Moving Your Jade Plant Outside

Moving your jade plant outside during the summer can be a great way to provide it with the ideal conditions for growth. However, before you make the move, there are a few factors that you need to take into consideration. These factors will ensure that your jade plant thrives and continues to provide you with its luscious, vibrant leaves. Let’s explore the important factors below:


Consider the climate in your region before placing your jade plant outdoors. Jade plants are native to South Africa and thrive in warm climates. They prefer temperatures between 65°F (18°C) and 75°F (24°C). If you live in a region with colder winters, it is advisable to bring your jade plant indoors during the colder months to prevent frost damage.


Monitor the daily temperature fluctuations in your area. Jade plants prefer a consistent and moderate temperature. Extreme heat or cold can negatively impact the plant’s health. Ensure the temperature remains within the suitable range mentioned earlier by placing your jade plant in a sheltered spot, away from direct sunlight or drafts.


Consider the humidity levels in your area. Jade plants prefer moderate humidity. If you live in a humid region, placing your jade plant outside can be beneficial. However, if you reside in a dry climate, it is advisable to increase humidity levels around your plant by misting it occasionally or using a humidifier.

Sunlight Intensity

Pay attention to the intensity of sunlight your jade plant will receive when outdoors. While jade plants require bright light, direct sunlight can scorch their leaves. Place your plant in an area that receives bright but indirect sunlight, such as filtered light, or use a shade cloth to protect it from the strong afternoon sun.

By considering these factors—climate, temperature, humidity, and sunlight intensity—you can make an informed decision about moving your jade plant outside during the summer. Keep in mind that jade plants acclimate best when gradually introduced to outdoor conditions, so a phased transition is recommended. With the right care and attention, your jade plant can thrive and become a stunning addition to your outdoor space.

Preparing Your Jade Plant For Outdoor Placement

Preparing your Jade plant for outdoor placement requires careful consideration and proper steps to ensure its health and growth. Gradually transitioning your plant, choosing the right location, and providing adequate drainage are crucial factors to keep in mind. Let’s dive deeper into each aspect to help you successfully place your Jade plant outside during the summer.

Gradual Transition

To acclimate your Jade plant to the outdoor environment, a gradual transition is essential. Sudden changes in light and temperature can shock the plant, resulting in stress and potential damage. Start by introducing your Jade plant to outdoor conditions for short periods of time, gradually increasing the duration over a few weeks.

Choosing The Right Location

When selecting a location for your Jade plant, consider its sunlight requirements. While Jade plants love bright light, direct afternoon sun can be too intense and scorch their leaves. Choose a spot that provides filtered or indirect sunlight, such as under a tree or on a shaded patio.

Providing Adequate Drainage

Adequate drainage is crucial to prevent waterlogged soil and root rot for outdoor Jade plants. Ensure that the pot you use has drainage holes to allow excess water to escape. You can also add a layer of small rocks or pebbles at the bottom of the pot to further improve drainage. Check the soil moisture regularly and water your Jade plant only when the top inch of soil feels dry.

Caring For Your Jade Plant While Outside

During the summer months, it can be beneficial to move your jade plant outside to enjoy the warm weather and natural sunlight. However, it’s important to take proper care of your plant while it’s outdoors to ensure its health and well-being. Here’s what you need to know about caring for your jade plant while it’s outside.


Jade plants are native to arid regions and have adapted to thrive in dry conditions. When your jade plant is outside, it’s important to be mindful of its watering needs. These plants prefer to be slightly underwatered rather than overwatered. Allow the soil to dry out completely before watering your jade plant, and pay attention to the weather conditions to adjust the frequency of watering accordingly.


Fertilizing your jade plant while it’s outside can help promote healthy growth and vibrant foliage. Use a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer specifically designed for succulents. Apply the fertilizer according to the instructions on the packaging, typically once every two weeks during the growing season. Avoid over-fertilizing, as this can lead to excessive leaf growth and weaken the plant.

Protecting From Pests

While your jade plant is outside, it may be more susceptible to pests such as aphids or mealybugs. These pests can damage the foliage and hinder the plant’s growth. To protect your jade plant from pests, regularly inspect the leaves for any signs of infestation. If you notice any pests, gently wipe them off with a cloth dampened in a mild soap and water solution. Additionally, consider using organic pest control methods such as neem oil or insecticidal soap to prevent and treat pest infestations.

Signs Your Jade Plant Isn’t Thriving Outside

Your jade plant may struggle when placed outside during the summer season; signs include drooping leaves, discoloration, and leaf loss. Consider providing shade, adequate watering, and protection from extreme temperatures to help your plant thrive.

Leaf Discoloration

Leaf discoloration is one of the clear signs that your jade plant isn’t thriving outside. When the leaves of your jade plant start to change color, it’s a red flag that something is amiss. The normally vibrant green leaves might turn pale, yellow, or even brown.

Leaf discoloration can happen due to various reasons:

  • Inadequate sunlight
  • Too much direct sunlight
  • Overwatering or underwatering
  • Nutritional deficiencies

To determine the cause of leaf discoloration, assess the conditions in which your jade plant is growing. Does it receive sufficient sunlight? Is it exposed to extreme heat or cold? Are you providing the right amount of water and nutrients? By addressing these factors, you can help your jade plant recover from leaf discoloration and encourage healthy growth.


Wilting is another sign that your jade plant isn’t thriving outside. When the leaves of your jade plant appear droopy, limp, or shriveled, it indicates that the plant is under stress.

Wilting can occur due to the following reasons:

  • Underwatering or overwatering
  • Poor drainage
  • Excessive sunlight exposure
  • Extreme temperatures

If you notice wilting in your jade plant, it’s crucial to take immediate action. First, check the moisture levels in the soil and adjust your watering routine accordingly. Ensure that the container has proper drainage to prevent waterlogging. Shield your plant from intense sunlight and extreme temperatures by relocating it to a more suitable spot. By addressing these issues, you can revive your jade plant and promote healthy growth.

Pest Infestation

Pest infestation is a common problem that can weaken your jade plant when it’s kept outdoors during the summer. If you observe pests or damage on the leaves or stems of your plant, it’s important to take prompt action to protect your jade plant.

Common pests that can afflict your jade plant include:

  • Mealybugs
  • Spider mites
  • Aphids
  • Scale insects

To eliminate pests and prevent further infestation, you can:

  1. Introduce natural predators like ladybugs to control the population
  2. Use organic insecticidal soap or neem oil to directly target the pests
  3. Physically remove the pests using a soft cloth or sponge

Regularly inspect your jade plant for signs of pest infestation and take immediate action to protect its health.

Frequently Asked Questions On Can You Put Your Jade Plant Outside In The Summer?

Can Jade Plants Be Kept Outside In The Summer?

Yes, jade plants can be kept outside in the summer as long as they are provided with the right conditions. They prefer bright, indirect sunlight and well-draining soil. However, it is important to gradually acclimate them to outdoor conditions to prevent shock.

Monitor the temperature and protect them from extreme heat or cold.

How Often Should I Water My Jade Plant In The Summer?

In the summer, jade plants should be watered thoroughly but infrequently. Allow the top few inches of soil to dry out before watering again. Overwatering can lead to root rot, so it is important to strike the right balance and let the soil dry between watering sessions.

What Temperature Is Ideal For Jade Plants In The Summer?

Jade plants thrive in temperatures between 65°F and 75°F (18°C and 24°C) during the summer months. They can tolerate slightly lower or higher temperatures, but extreme heat or cold can be detrimental to their health. Be mindful of temperature fluctuations and provide shade or protection if needed.


To maximize the health and growth of your jade plant, it’s essential to consider its needs during the summer months. Although jade plants can thrive outdoors in the summer, it’s important to place them in a location with filtered sunlight and avoid excessive heat and direct sunlight.

By following these simple guidelines, you can ensure your jade plant enjoys the best of both worlds – the beauty of the outdoors and the care it deserves. Whether indoors or outdoors, your jade plant will bring joy and tranquility to any space.


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