Why Are Your Peace Lily Leaves Turning Brown?

Your peace lily leaves may be turning brown due to overwatering or inadequate lighting. This guide will provide you with helpful tips and solutions for keeping your peace lily healthy and vibrant.

The peace lily (Spathiphyllum) is a popular indoor plant known for its lush green leaves and elegant white flowers. However, if you notice that the leaves of your peace lily are turning brown, it can be a cause for concern.

Brown leaves are often an indication that something is amiss with the plant’s care. One common reason for brown peace lily leaves is overwatering. Peace lilies prefer slightly moist soil but can be sensitive to excessive watering. Overwatering can lead to root rot, which hampers the plant’s ability to take up water and nutrients, resulting in browning leaves. Another possible culprit for brown leaves is inadequate lighting.

Peace lilies thrive in bright, indirect light. If your plant is placed in a spot with low light levels, the leaves may turn brown and lose their vibrant green color. To resolve these issues, ensure you are watering your peace lily properly, allowing the topsoil to slightly dry out between waterings.

Additionally, make sure the plant receives adequate lighting by placing it near a window with filtered sunlight or using artificial grow lights. With these adjustments, you can help your peace lily regain its beauty and keep its leaves healthy and green.

Common Causes Of Brown Peace Lily Leaves

Peace lilies are beautiful plants that can bring a touch of elegance to your home or office. However, if you notice that the leaves of your peace lily are turning brown, it’s important to identify the underlying cause and address the issue promptly. Here are some common causes of brown peace lily leaves:


Overwatering is a common mistake that peace lily owners make. While it’s crucial to keep the soil moist, excessive watering can lead to root rot and brown leaves. When the roots are consistently soggy, they don’t receive enough oxygen, causing them to suffocate and eventually die. To prevent overwatering, it’s essential to ensure proper drainage and only water the plant when the top inch of soil is dry. Additionally, avoid using water that contains high levels of chlorine, as it can damage the roots and contribute to brown leaves.


On the other hand, underwatering can also lead to brown peace lily leaves. These plants require consistent moisture, and if they don’t receive enough water, their leaves can start turning brown and crispy. To combat underwatering, make sure to water your peace lily when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch. It’s best to use filtered or distilled water, as tap water can contain chemicals that may harm the plant.

Low Humidity

Peace lilies thrive in environments with high humidity. If the air is too dry, the plant may struggle to retain moisture, leading to brown leaves. This is particularly common during the winter months when indoor heating can decrease humidity levels. To increase humidity around your peace lily, you can mist the leaves regularly, place the plant on a tray filled with water and pebbles, or use a humidifier.

Improper Light Exposure

Peace lilies prefer bright, indirect light. If they are exposed to too much direct sunlight, their leaves can become scorched and turn brown. Similarly, inadequate lighting can also cause brown leaves. To ensure your peace lily receives the right amount of light, place it near a window with filtered light or use sheer curtains to diffuse the sunlight. If you notice that your plant is not getting enough light, you can also consider using artificial grow lights to supplement the natural light.

By identifying and addressing these common causes of brown peace lily leaves, you can help your plant regain its health and beauty. Remember to always monitor the moisture levels, provide adequate humidity, and find the optimal light conditions for your peace lily to keep its leaves vibrant and green.

Preventing Brown Peace Lily Leaves

If you’ve noticed that your peace lily’s leaves are turning brown, don’t worry. There are several steps you can take to prevent this common problem and keep your peace lily looking lush and healthy. By maintaining proper watering, increasing humidity, and choosing the right light conditions, you can ensure that your peace lily stays vibrant and green.

Maintaining Proper Watering

The first step to preventing brown peace lily leaves is to maintain proper watering. Peace lilies prefer to be kept evenly moist, but overwatering can lead to root rot and brown leaves.

Follow these tips to ensure you’re watering your peace lily correctly:

  1. Water your peace lily when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch.
  2. Avoid letting your peace lily sit in standing water, as this can lead to root rot.
  3. Use filtered or distilled water to avoid the buildup of minerals that can cause brown leaf tips.

Increasing Humidity

Peace lilies thrive in high humidity environments, so increasing humidity can help prevent brown leaves.

Here’s how you can increase the humidity around your peace lily:

  • Group your peace lily with other plants to create a microclimate of increased humidity.
  • Place a tray filled with water near your peace lily to allow for evaporation and increased humidity.
  • Mist the leaves of your peace lily with water daily to simulate a humid environment.

Choosing The Right Light Conditions

Light conditions can greatly impact the health of your peace lily. Follow these guidelines when choosing a suitable location for your peace lily:

  1. Place your peace lily in bright, indirect light. Direct sunlight can scorch the leaves and cause them to turn brown.
  2. Avoid placing your peace lily in areas with drafts or temperature extremes, as these can also lead to brown leaves.
  3. Rotate your peace lily every few weeks to ensure all sides receive equal light exposure.

By following these tips and giving your peace lily the care it needs, you can prevent brown leaves and enjoy a thriving plant. Remember to monitor the condition of your peace lily regularly and make adjustments as necessary. With a little attention to its watering, humidity, and light needs, your peace lily will reward you with beautiful, healthy foliage.

Treating Brown Peace Lily Leaves

If you notice brown leaves on your peace lily, it may be due to overwatering, underwatering, or excessive light exposure. Adjusting these factors can help restore your plant’s health and prevent further browning.

Trimming Browning Leaves

If you notice your peace lily’s leaves turning brown, it’s essential to take action promptly to prevent further damage. One effective way to treat brown peace lily leaves is by trimming them. Use a clean pair of pruning shears or scissors to carefully remove the affected leaves at the base, where they meet the stem. Dispose of these brown leaves properly to prevent the spread of any diseases or pests.

Adjusting Watering Routine

Brown peace lily leaves can be a sign of over or under-watering. To treat this issue, it’s important to adjust your watering routine. Begin by thoroughly watering the plant until the excess water drains out from the drainage holes. Allow the top few inches of the soil to dry out before watering again. Stick your finger into the soil to test the moisture level – if it feels dry, it’s time to water. Remember to avoid over-watering, as this can lead to root rot and further damage the leaves.

Utilizing Humidity Trays

Peace lilies thrive in high humidity conditions. If the air around your plant is too dry, it can cause brown leaves. To treat this, you can use humidity trays. Simply place a tray filled with water near the peace lily, ensuring that the bottom of the pot is not submerged in water.

As the water evaporates, it increases the humidity level around the plant. Another option is to mist the leaves of your peace lily regularly using a spray bottle filled with distilled water. This will help to keep the leaves moist and prevent them from turning brown.

By following these tips and treating the brown peace lily leaves promptly, you can help your plant recover and thrive. Remember, trimming browning leaves, adjusting the watering routine, and utilizing humidity trays are simple yet effective methods to revive your peace lily’s lush green foliage.

Identifying Pest Infestation On Peace Lilies

The browning of peace lily leaves is often a sign of a pest infestation. Identifying these pests and taking prompt action can help restore the plant’s health and beauty.

Common Pests

Peace lilies are beautiful houseplants known for their lush green foliage and vibrant white flowers. However, they are not immune to pest infestations. It is essential to be aware of the common pests that can affect peace lilies in order to maintain their health and beauty. Some of the most common pests that can infest peace lilies include:

  • Aphids: These tiny insects, usually green or black in color, feed on the sap of the plant causing the leaves to curl and turn yellow.
  • Spider Mites: These tiny arachnids leave behind webs and cause yellow speckling on the foliage. 
  • Mealybugs: Mealybugs are tiny insects covered in a white, mealy substance. They suck the sap from the plant, leading to stunted growth and distorted leaves.
  • Scale Insects: These pests appear as small, raised bumps on the leaves. They can cause yellowing of the foliage and leave behind a sticky residue.

Signs Of Infestation

Identifying a pest infestation on your peace lilies is crucial for prompt treatment. Keep an eye out for the following signs of infestation:

  1. Yellowing Leaves: Pests often cause yellow discoloration on peace lily leaves. This can be a sign of an aphid or mealybug infestation. 
  2. Curled or Distorted Leaves: When peace lilies are infested with pests like aphids, their leaves may curl or become distorted.
  3. Webbing: Spider mites often leave behind fine webbing on the leaves, which is easily noticeable.
  4. Sticky Residue: Scale insects secrete a sap-like substance called honeydew, which leaves a sticky residue on the leaves and other surfaces.

Treatment Options

Once you have identified a pest infestation on your peace lilies, it’s important to take immediate action to prevent further damage. Here are some treatment options to consider: 

  1. Manual Removal: If the infestation is minimal, you can manually remove pests with a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol. Gently wipe the affected areas to eliminate the pests.
  2. Insecticidal Soap: Insecticidal soap is an effective and organic treatment option for controlling pests on peace lilies. Dilute the soap according to the instructions and spray it directly on the affected areas. 
  3. Neem Oil: Neem oil is a natural insecticide that can help eliminate pests and prevent further infestation. Mix a few drops of neem oil with water and spray it on the leaves. 
  4. Quarantine: If the infestation is severe, consider isolating the affected peace lily from other plants to prevent the pests from spreading.

Remember, maintaining a clean and healthy growing environment is crucial in preventing pest infestations. Regularly inspect your peace lilies for any signs of pests and take appropriate measures to keep them at bay, ensuring your plants thrive and display their stunning beauty.

Conclusion And Care Tips

Your peace lily leaves may turn brown due to issues such as overwatering, inadequate lighting, or low humidity. To prevent this, ensure proper watering, provide bright indirect light, and maintain a humid environment by misting or using a humidifier. Regularly check and care for your peace lily to keep its leaves healthy and green.

By analyzing the possible causes and solutions for peace lily leaves turning brown, you can now take appropriate steps to ensure the health and vitality of your plant. To summarize:

Summary Of Key Points:

  • Overwatering and underwatering are common culprits for brown peace lily leaves. Ensure the soil is consistently moist but not soaked, and water only when the top inch of soil feels dry.
  • Excessive exposure to direct sunlight can scorch the leaves, leading to browning. Place your peace lily in bright, indirect light.
  • Growing in poor soil or lack of nutrients can cause stress and result in brown leaves. Use well-draining soil and fertilize your peace lily every two to four months during the growing season.
  • Low humidity levels can lead to brown leaf tips. Increase humidity by misting the leaves or placing the pot on a tray filled with water and pebbles.
  • Pests such as spider mites and mealybugs can damage the leaves, causing them to turn brown. Regularly inspect your plant and take immediate action if pests are found.Trimming brown leaves and providing adequate care will help rejuvenate your peace lily and promote healthy growth.

General Care Guidelines

To prevent and address brown leaves on your peace lily, adhere to these general care guidelines:

  • Place your plant in a well-lit room with indirect sunlight.
  • Ensure the temperature around your peace lily remains between 65-85°F (18-29°C).
  • Water your plant thoroughly, allowing excess water to drain out. Empty the saucer beneath the pot to avoid overwatering.
  • Fertilize your peace lily every two to four months using a balanced houseplant fertilizer.
  • Maintain a relative humidity level of 40-60% by misting the leaves or utilizing a humidifier.
  • Regularly inspect your plant for signs of pests and take immediate action to eliminate them.
  • Trim brown leaves close to the base using clean and sharp pruning shears.

Frequently Asked Questions On Why Are Your Peace Lily Leaves Turning Brown?

Why Are The Leaves Of My Peace Lily Turning Brown?

The leaves of a peace lily can turn brown due to various reasons, including overwatering, underwatering, too much direct sunlight, or insufficient humidity. Additionally, the plant might be exposed to drafts or cold temperatures. Identifying and addressing the underlying issue can help prevent further browning of the leaves.

How Can I Prevent My Peace Lily Leaves From Turning Brown?

To prevent your peace lily leaves from turning brown, ensure that you are watering the plant correctly. Only water when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch. Place the plant in a location that receives bright indirect sunlight and maintain a humidity level of around 50-60%.

Avoid exposing the plant to drafts or extreme temperatures.

Can I Revive My Peace Lily If The Leaves Have Already Turned Brown?

Yes, you can try to revive your peace lily if the leaves have turned brown. Start by trimming off the affected leaves and providing the plant with proper care. Adjust the watering schedule, ensure appropriate lighting conditions, and maintain the humidity levels.

With time, the plant might grow new healthy leaves and recover from the browning issue.


To maintain a vibrant and healthy peace lily, understanding why its leaves turn brown is essential. Factors such as overwatering, underwatering, excessive sunlight, or inconsistent temperatures can contribute to this issue. By addressing these potential causes through proper watering, positioning the plant away from direct sunlight, and maintaining a stable environment, you can help prevent browning leaves.


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